Cosmetic Dentistry – Inver Grove Heights, MN

Get a Smile Worth Showing Off

Have you been unhappy with the look of your smile since you accidentally chipped a tooth, or since you noticed your teeth have been appearing more yellow than white? Cosmetic dentistry in Inver Grove Heights can help you improve your grin with streamlined, convenient procedures that are personalized to meet your needs, like teeth whitening and veneers. To learn about how we can fix aesthetic flaws in your smile, give our office a call and schedule a consultation today!

Why Choose G2 South for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Dentist with 35+ Years of Experience
  • Take-Home Teeth Whitening Kits
  • Smart Moves Orthodontic Treatment for Adults


Veneers are thin, durable shells of customized porcelain or ceramic that are made to fit over the visible surface of individual, prepared teeth. Once placed over the tooth, they’re able to conceal a variety of cosmetic flaws, like gaps, chips, stains, and even slight misalignment. With the proper maintenance, veneers can continue making your smile appear symmetrical, bright, and brilliant for 20 or more years!

Metal-Free Restorations

In the past, dentists would use metals like silver and gold to restore and support teeth by crafting them into dental crowns. Our team at G2 South offers biocompatible materials like porcelain, ceramic, and zirconia for your restorations to be crafted from. Not only are they durable and can protect damaged teeth for years to come, but they’re also custom-shaded to be virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth and won’t result in sensitivity or tooth discoloration like some metal restorations would.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Tired of wasting your money on store-bought teeth whitening kits that make big promises and never deliver? Try our professional, customized Opalescence take-home teeth whitening kits that use concentrated ingredients to brighten your smile by up to eight shades. Depending on how drastic you want your results to be, you can opt to wear your trays overnight or for a few hours each day as you do your housework or work from home. It’s completely safe, non-invasive, and highly effective, offering virtually guaranteed results within ten days of treatment.

Direct Bonding

Did you accidentally chip a tooth? Direct bonding is a convenient and cost-effective cosmetic treatment where Dr. Patet can rebuild the missing portion of your tooth using a putty-like material called composite resin. It’s custom-shaded to match the color of your tooth and texturized to look like your enamel, so you likely won’t even be able to tell which of your teeth has been repaired! With the proper care and maintenance, bonding can last for between five to seven years.